Regex replace double backslash with single backslash. Removing backslashes in a string.
Regex replace double backslash with single backslash. To specify a literal backslash, double it (\).
- Regex replace double backslash with single backslash A single backslash not followed by a ' also represents a literal backslash. If you want to represent two backslashes, you would use "\\\\". I'm going to guess that you don't really need to do this. Remove characters between backslashes in string in Python. Javascript regex to replace quotes without front backslash. Apologies What you probably have is a string that contains single backslashes, derived not from a literal, but say from the user, which is already usable as it is. I wanted to store this string in the database, but MySQL would remove them; I'm assuming it was thinking I wanted to escape them. Within a set of large files, I need to replace all occurrences of "\" with "\\". strip() method to remove the leading and trailing slash When you need to use a backslash in the string in R, you need to put double backslash. Replace words starting with a backslash in Python. replace("\\\"", "'"); Appreciate any advice. Jeff Jeff. If you add a backslash in front of the backslash this special meaning gets lost. answered Jan 7, 2015 at 11:23. Commented May 17, 2016 at 17:21. All other instances of backslash will be treated as a literal backslash. I want to escape single and double quotes with a backslash in one line rather than two. Ujjwal Ujjwal Posix specifies how sh parses double-quoted strings. It's not clear what you want to do, but it sounds like you have an XML string that contains a double-quote character (being displayed as \" in the debugger) and you need to replace it with " to allow the XML parser to understand it. I've read that a double-back Use stripslashes instead. I have a string which To avoid backslashes in the regexp pattern to be doubled, use a single-quote string, see literal-string. getcwd() The above outputs a path with \ (2 back slashes) BUT if you wrap it with a print function, i. us Thu Mar 8 04:53:09 CET 2012. – you need one more backslash (for your code to run - whether it'll do what you want is another question) – eddi. links at top. replace((new RegExp("\s"),"\\s"); Essentially you don't want to replace "\", you want to replace the character represented by the "\s" escape sequence. 247k 42 42 gold badges 229 You already got it right, but the representation of the string threw you off. replaceAll takes a regex The problem with @"/|\\" regex is that it matches each \ or / one by one, thus resulting in more replacements than you need. regex of backslash in python. Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 0:01. Stack Overflow. replace string through regex using boost C++. While using the backtrace function to get the last file the PHP compiler was working with. The -replace operator uses regular expressions, which treat backslash as a special character. ' just to indicate the position of backslashes as I could not send a string such as 'C\xampp\etc. Ask Question Asked 3 years ago. end(), '\\', '/'); Python regex to replace double backslash with single backslash. So this is intended behaviour. ' through url as GET variable so I thought I'd first replace the backslashes in that string by another symbol, then send through url, and then replace them back to backslashes I have been trying to replace a single quote with back slash single quote. Only strange thing is that inside templates you can use both double and single quotes inside a regex, but you have to use For more information, refer to this issue raised in R help: How to replace double backslash with single backslash in R. Any ideas what else I could try? Thanks! Python regex to replace double backslash with single backslash. Just use "\"" Regex to replace single backslashes, excluding those followed by certain chars. How to Escape '\' 0. Commented Feb 17, 2014 at 11:47. Within a regex a \ has a special meaning, e. Python regex to replace double backslash with single backslash. In the regex-howto one can read: Perhaps the most important metacharacter is the backslash, \. > > The string produced with the code: > > > tmp <- "C:\\" > > only has 3 characters (as David pointed out), the third of which is a > single backslash, since the 1st \ escapes the 2nd and the R string thanks for your answer. 763 How do I append one string to another in Python? 3 How to avoid re. replace('\\', '\') print You need to clarify: are you giving the string in "raw" form, or in JS literal string format? In other words, do the backslashes actually exist as literal characters in the string, as would be the case if it were written in code as String. In php, you should also delimit your regex How to replace a Single Backslash '\' in a String with double Backslash '\' ? I tried this, but its not working. Often, people print out values and see the double-backslash, but that's just Python's way of unambigiously showing you that there is a single backslash in the string. Hot Network Questions Half Price for Every Second Pizza Wavy design at the top of the page Should a Master's Student Be First Author If They Didn't Do the Interpretation? But you still have to type doubled backslashes if you want to work with it. replace(/[/\\*]/g, ""); You'll need to double escape the backslash in your regex pattern; the reason being that the backslash character is used to indicate character groups in regexes (e. I have a json string, which has a potpourri of doubly escaped/singly escaped newline chars. Python: unexpected behavior with printing/writing escape characters. – spender. Commented Sep 11, 2013 at 13:15 @Philethius Actually he doesn't need to Thanks to the @larsks's answer i've managed to replace backslashes in ansible string variable value without intermediate replace. Double escaping backslashes is really confusing, and verbatim strings really help remove the confusion. str <- gsub("\\", "", str, fixed=TRUE) # now contains abcdef From the dput , it looks like what you've got there is UTF-16 encoded text, which probably came from a Windows machine. In your case, since you're using variables, I assume that you won't know the contents at design time. Now, I understand copying simply doesn't work. raw`I want to replace \"this\"`, or coming from a server with the backslashes actually there?Or are those backslashes inside a JS string literal The regex to replace a single backslash with a double backslash would be: s/\\/\\\\/g (if you were running it in vi, for example. The replacement pattern is \\ since a backslash in the replacement pattern is special in Java, it is used to escape the $ symbol that denotes a literal $ char. g. Also, when you use gsub("\\", "/", str) , the first argument is parsed as a regex, and it is not valid as it only contains a single literal backslash that must escape something. 1 (Apple), 64 bit)---Edit----I tried I have a string. These files contains a list of pathnames (one per line), like this: needed a double-backslash before 'a_resource' and doubled the backslashes at the start. Replacing backslash characters with preg_replace. 10. I couldn't figure out how to do both tasks simultaneously, believe it or not. You code shows \l, which is not 2 characters, but one character. 6. 1 (Clang 6. Add a comment | 2 Answers Sorted by: Reset to default 22 . The reason for this requires some understanding of how escape characters work in both Java Strings and regular expressions. You have to do this in INSERT statements, but you also have to do it in the parameters to the REPLACE function. Once there is more than one backslash then the regex should reject the string. Python . Backslashes in Python Regex . Correcting that, I find that your code replaces only the first backslash and leaves the others. Or just '"'. See this question, about __str__ and __repr__. It is an invalid escape code that falls back to just l. String. Strings have their own interpretation of backslashes that kicks in before the regular expression constructor gets a crack at it, so you need an extra level of quoting. Commented Sep 11, 2013 at 13:14. answered Feb 9, 2011 at 20:54. Hot Network Questions How to Comments below questions are very revealing. | +----- Replace single backslash (and as usual escape it) +----- The string variable Other escape sequences: Backslash is not only used to escape quotes or backslash, but also to represent special control characters and escape sequences – ref. The code in your answer above didn't work. This is a string of 5 characters When Java compiler sees two slashes, it replaces them with a single slash. When there is t following a slash, Java replaces it with a tab; when there is a t following a double-slash, Java leaves it alone. txt Result should be this mama\Please\U0U0001f973\U00. Share. The reason you're having trouble is because the string you're inputting is $$\a\b\c$$, which python translates to '$$\x07\x08\\c$$', and the only back slash in the string is actually in the segment '\c' the best way to deal with this would be to input a as such. Commented Apr 14, 2023 at 8:29. This means that Vim reuses its syntax for . replace('\\\\', '\\') for i in list_of_strgs] This has no effect. It's possible by supplying into regex_replace expression a regex quantifier {1} between last backslash and closing quote. Step-by-step guide and examples. You don't have this problem. Replace double backslash with single backslash in Emacs . For help clarifying this I have a script where I need the stored filepath to contain double-\\'s (to send to a program that requires this escaping), but the input file path sometimes already contains this (provided by user/Python script), and sometimes doesn't (contains only single-\'s). Also, if you use single quotes with \\\\ you will get a runtime Note that, to match a backslash verbatim, in accordance with JavaScript regular expression syntax you need two backslash characters in your regular expression literals such as /\\/ or But they all produce multiple backslashes after each other. Extract double quotes using boost::regex in C++Builder. Corrected the quotes (these are the only thing that need escaping with verbatim strings) – spender. To specify a literal backslash, double it (\). Where am I Warning: you must use single quote sed '' instead of double quote sed "" here. I tried this (see Python regex to replace double backslash with single backslash): new = [i. Replace double backslash with single backslash in JavaScript. regex of backslash Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. – djangofan. Viewed 988 times 1 . substitute unicode strings using re. Improve this answer . replace function to remove "\" in text . Replace() may be enough (although I imagine in reality there are edge cases that will need to be resolved with I'm creating a latex templating system using Node. To obtain single backslash we must use double backslashes. 3. You do not need to escape a double quote in a regular expression. 5? I want to replace all occurences of multiple slash ('') with single backslash For example mama\\\\Please\\\\\U0U0001f973\U00. Want to replace backslash in python3 string. I am confused with the backslash in regular expressions. Python regexp and raw string. How to pad an address with \x00 in python-2. When working with strings in Java, you will often encounter scenarios where you need to manipulate or replace characters. Replace all characters until backslash n times . 12. So why replacing single quotes if you want to remove double quotes? – sticky bit. – Problem. -. NET string. Learn more about Teams Get early access and see previews of new features. Improve this answer. How to capture backslashes with regex. I tried to replace the double slash with single or even by replacing the slash with some special characters in the database. Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 0:03. Regular Expressions: replace extra slashes/backslashes from a path. . I just realized that this might be the simplest answer: import os os. replace("'", "\\'") => It\'s nice to have an example If you don't use print, the repr of the resulting string is displayed (and not its str), and in this repr, backslashes are escaped, resulting with double-backslash. In this case the verbatim string would be @"\\". Removing backslashes in a string. If you're trying to replace all slashes, backslashes, and asterisks with nothing, do this: newbigbend = bb_val. Also, in your regex, you are searching for single backslashes and your replacement is incorrect. a=r'$$\a\b\c$$' This will tell python to convert the string literals as raw chars. I want to replace the double backslashes with single backslashes, so that unicode char codes can be parsed correctly. js. I'd like to use Perl for this purpose. Match one backslash, regular expression literal: /\\/ Match one backslash, regular expression in a string: '\\\\' Replacing double backslashes with a single backslash in strings is a common scenario in programming. Maybe you want to use std::replace(), like so: std::replace(path. how to use regular expression to Replace double backslash with single backslash [closed] Ask Question Asked 11 years, 11 months ago. A solution using . Can you say more about where this string came from, and why you want to change it? – once, long ago, I had to capture an xpath of an element whose only identifying feature was a windows file path, then generate a program (as a string) in which xpaths to be represented as strings. regex to replace backslash and single So if you are really using the path you have posted, change the backslashes to double backslashes. So in short, two backslashes in a string represent a literal backslash. Commented Jun 16, 2011 at 23:17. Viewed 15k times 2 . 2. Commented Jul 27, 2019 at 0:00. re. \d means a decimal digit. ) Not 100% sure if this is what you are asking though. Also, it is not a good idea to use separate symbols as alternatives since there is more backtracking involved. ca. Add a comment | 70 . Commented May 17, 2016 at 17:46. This So the regexp only needs a single backslash, but in order to be able to pass a single backslash to the regexp library from your program, you have to escape it with another backslash in your If your goal is to replace backslash characters, use this: value = value. Follow edited May 25, 2011 at 19:13. , \d to represent digits). main(){ String string = "back\slash back\slash back\slash back\slash"; String repl Skip to main content. Replace double slashes to four slashes. I need to uniformly make all of them to double escapes. replace(/\\/g, "whatever"); To change a single backslash into two backslashes, use: value = So if you want to represent a single backslash, you would use "\\". These functions expect single backslashes, like \(defun\) So I thought I could replace the '\\' with the '\' before copying it to the kill-ring by doing Python regex to replace double backslash with single backslash. If you want to represent a backslash in code, you have to escape the backslash like this 'ye\\low'. 1. How can I replace a backslash with a double backslash using RegExp? 18. As part of this system, I need to escape any characters with special meanings by prefixing them with a backslash. Replace single backslash into double backslash with Python. The backslash shall retain its special meaning as an escape character (see Escape Character (Backslash)) only when followed by one of the following characters when considered special: $ ` " \ In other words, sh lefts the backslash which is followed by characters other than $ ' " \. Modified 3 years ago. Now, manually adding backslash will not be efficient. replaceAll(regex, replacement) states:. In this case, you should run it through [RegEx]::Escape(): how to replace group of double backslash in a string to * for example: php regex replace double backslash with single. sub processing backslashes in replacement string in python 3. – ramwin. Been struggling with replacing a backslash by another symbol such as '. If you were talking directly to the regex engine, you'd use "\\" to indicate a ) in the call to replace. Json parser doesn't allow its string value to have single backslash escapes. How to Replace Multiple Backslashes with Just One Using PHP. As in Python string literals, the Regex to replace multiple spaces with a single space. Regex replace exactly 2 backslashes by 3. python regular expression involving backslash. This obviously won't match a single leading backslash. As a result, it will replace all occurrences of double backslash with single backslash. About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; How to replace the double backslash with a single backslash. Trailing slash in The reason that you need four backslashes to represent one literal backslash is that "\" is an escape character in both R strings and for the regex engine to which you're ultimately passing your patterns. [R] gsub: replacing double backslashes with single backslash Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn. See Java demo online: Python indexes are zero-based, so the first character in a string has an index of 0, and the last character has an index of -1 or len(my_str) - 1. This might look like two backslashes, but this is the code that represents ONE backslash. It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. Modified 11 years, 11 months ago. txt I have tried Skip to main content In the third list, I need to replace the double backslash with a single backslash. 5. Regex that captures backslash. Example for single quote: str = str. However, because two slashes have been replaced by a single slash, regexp engine sees \t, and interprets it as a tab. Thought it would be the following but it doesn't work: path. replaceAll. This then has to be escaped in the . Definitely the best idea with Regex. Viewed 13k times -1 . We are calling replace() method and passing regex and backslash as parameters. So finally if you want to replace backslash char with 2 backslashes you can do this: var replaced = str. You need four backslashes: Two backslashes for declaring the String in Java (that will be one backslash in the actual string), and you need two backslashes in the regular expression as a backslash again is a special character for the regex First, using your method, I had to replace the double-backslashes and THEN I had to convert them to forward slashes in a second replaceAll call. davis. So we must use four backslashes(in reality double) for replace the backslash. In which case a simple call to . Python: Removing backslashes inside a string. 2,193 2 2 gold badges 14 14 silver badges 10 Now, I understand the four backslashes for the first argument: regex expects two backslashes in order to indicate a single literal backslash, and java wants them doubled up. Ask Question Asked 15 years, 8 months ago. But you're also overwriting newbigbend each time, so you won't see the result of the first two replacements at all. Different programming languages have unique ways to handle string manipulations, especially when dealing with escape characters like backslashes. The best practice is Perl regex: replace all backslashes with double-backslashes. The only reason I want to change that backslash expression to forward slash is because in windows when I try to copy the address of particular forward it has only one backslash. (Pdb) p fetched_page ' A single backslash means escape, so a second one after it gets escaped, meaning the double backslash matches a single backslash. Previous message: [R] gsub: replacing double backslashes with single backslash Next message: [R] gsub: replacing double backslashes with single backslash Messages sorted by: Regexes have the same backslash semantics as double quoted strings. Right now, I have the following: perl -spi. A common challenge arises when you want to replace a single backslash (\) with double backslashes (\\). entry. Single backslash \ is escape character. The confusion is caused by the fact that there is no special syntax for regular expressions in Vim's grammar of expressions (like, say, /regex/ is some languages). Single backslash: in YAML between single quotes; in YAML without quotes (doesn't matter if you use single or double quotes inside regex_replace) Double backslash: in YAML between double quotes; in templates; ACTUAL RESULTS. The slice string[:-1] starts at index 0 and goes up to, but not including the last character of the string. The double backslashes are only required for string literals, and they are converted to single by the compiler. Follow answered Jul 28, 2011 at 2:21. Unfortunately you're going to need to do this for every letter of the alphabet, every number, symbol, etc in order to cover all The documentation of String. com> wrote: > > The issue here is the difference between what is contained in a string > and what R displays to you. replaceAll(target, replacement) uses regular expression (regex) syntax for target and partially for replacement. begin(), path. You can use double backslash to get a literal single backslash. To match on a backslash, you use the notation \\. I'm trying to replace several paths from config files. That's fine. replace(/'/g, "\\'"); Is there a way to do this at the same time for double quotes included? Sniffer Answered this very well below, and I ended up escaping all characters we needed as follows: Why are you replacing backslash escaped single quotes (and any following single quotes)? – sticky bit. Here is a link to your regular expression along with some example test strings, as tested in Rubular. , If you want to replace one backslash with two, it might be clearer to eliminate one level of escaping in the regular expression by using @"" as the format for your string literals, What you need to do is escaping it in the string like this: "AC\\DC" so that it will be AC[escaped \]DC and then escape it in the Regexp to specify you're looking for a literal backslash Learn how to efficiently replace double backslashes with a single backslash in strings using various programming languages. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. To match a literal backslash, you need to use four \ in the regex string literal. 0 Based on (Desktop) Qt 5. 7. The return should be like "Koslov Git †girish Ges" – Devil's Dream. If you want to match a single backslash, and a single backslash only, just make sure that the first backslash is not followed by another one. for just translating one char into another throughout a string, tr is the best tool: tr '\\' '/' Share. Not a real question. 0. I'm trying to replace backslashes with forward slashes in javascript with the replace function and regex but can't get it to work. BUT, what the heck is going on with the eight backslashes for the second argument? Isn't the replacement string supposed to be a literal (non-regex, I mean To specify a literal single quote, escape it with a backslash (). Python regex, pattern-match multiple backslash characters. In that string are double backslashes. Try: print s. Unexpected output with python `normpath` 1. bak -e '/s/\\/\\\\/gm' inputFile This command was The representation as returned by repr(), in the console or in a sequence structure shows the escape sequence with two backslashes. It would give it to me the path using backslashes. Problem is that \ is special character in regex (it can be used like \d to represents digit) and in String literal (it can be used like "\n" to represent line separator or \" to escape double quote symbol which normally would represent end of string literal). Just to explain further, the pattern [\\] matches any character in a set comprised of a single backslash. Modified 15 years, 8 months ago. Follow edited Jan 7, 2015 at 12:19. replace() function, removing backslash in certain way . \\{2} should search for double backslashes and \ should replace them with singles, although I haven't tested this. My other problem is, the regex in the kill-ring contains double backslashes, rendering it unusable for functions like query-replace-regexp, which I want to yank it back into from the kill-ring. Javascript regexp backslash removal query. Note that backslashes (\) and dollar signs ($) in the replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it were being treated as a literal replacement string; see Matcher. Backslashes - Regular Expression - Javascript. Removing backslashes from string. # Remove leading and trailing Slash from String in Python Use the str. How best can I convert instances of double backslashes to a single backslash in a string, but remove any occurrences of single backslash? So this: \|Testing|ABC:1234\\1000-1\| Should convert to this: |Testing|ABC:1234\1000-1| Ideally I want to avoid a temporary replace of '\' to another character. replace("/\\/g", "//") If I had a path that looks like D:\Games\Scrolls\ what would the regex be to replace to D:/Games/Scrolls/? php regex replace double backslash with single. Add a comment | 2 Answers Sorted by: Reset to default 6 . You already have a regex that matches a leading double backslash: /^\\\\/. When using verbatim strings you only have to consider escaping for the regex engine, Replacing a single backslash (`\`) with a double backslash (`\`) in strings is a common task, especially in programming contexts where backslashes serve as escape characters. at one point in the intermediate steps Regarding the problem of "replacing double backslashes with single backslashes" or, more generally, "replacing a simple string, containing \, with a different simple string, containing \" (which is not entirely the OP problem, but part of it): Most of the answers in this thread mention replaceAll, which is a wrong tool for the job here. How do I write a single backslash (\) in a string? Hot Network Questions How could I justify a fast apocalypse? Alternatives to the Genitive Case Determine the chess knight’s tour of a 6x6 chessboard given some hints On retrieving the expression to validate the mobile number the "\" will be replaced with the "\", this gives a serious issue as on checking it says the mobile number is invalid even though its valid. Thanks. e. You're confusing what's IN the database with how you represent that data in SQL statements. If you print the singular string it will show it right. NET or Regular Expressions is See the regex graph: The [\\/]+ pattern matches \ or / one or more times. With regex, it's much easier to use a "verbatim string". Python Remove backslashes before a set of characters . But that is actually only one. I have been trying this but it results in a string with two backslashes and single quote or without any backslash and single quote. This answer is incorrect. One fewer backslashes works too. When a string in the database contains a special character like \, you have to type \\ to represent that character, because \ is a special character in SQL syntax. So I want: \test to be replaced with \\test Edit: Sorry I should also mention that the regex is in a loop so I need a regex that only matches the string if there is ONLY ONE backslash. sub("'","\'","Newton's method") The On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Greg Snow <538280 at gmail. – Paul S. How to replace I have a Java string and I want to replace all backslash double-quote sequences with a single-quote and even though I'm escaping what I believe is necessary the replace command does nothing to the string. # Python example input_string = "This is a double backslash: \\\\" output_string = input_string. glenn jackman glenn jackman. In short, change \\ to \\\\. The new string returned by this method will be stored in the Andrew Cooper's answer is correct in terms of why that third statement is going wrong. Learn more about Labs. – alistaire. I searched up for answers, but I got confused when I saw that for C++ you have to use double backslashes instead one backslash to escape But it didn't work for my code even when I used double backslashes Where did I go wrong? By the way, I'm using Qt Creator 3. Just as the title states, I'm not the best w/ regex, so can anyone provide the appropriate regex for the following: UPDATE table SET column = REGEXP_REPLACE(column, {regex}, ''''); Basically, I'd like to replace any instances of backslashes (\) followed by one or more single quotes with one single quote. Content looks like, this newline must not be changed ---- \\n this newline must be changed - \n When i run sed command, I came across a strange problem in my PHP programming. The ^ at the start of your regular Regex: replace backslash with double-backslash, but not double-backslash with quadruple-backslash. afred wllwqw lnpifih mtgwta jylos ylq srpdck pgon oqwuh ejdrd vkrud ohd itfhngr yzpg baxmr