What does the judge ask ponyboy What does Dally ask from Two-Bit while he is in the hospital? His balde. Syme is Ponyboy’s English teacher. If What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he killed Bob. How does Ponyboy feel about his English teacher? Why? 4. That he killed johnny. . After Ponyboy studies the picture of Bob in the yearbook, what conclusions does he make about him? He realizes that he was a real . Who hit Ponyboy in Chapter 3? They defend Darry, which only infuriates Ponyboy, so he verbally attacks Johnny about his Why do you think the judge didn't ask Ponyboy Why did Soda look at Pony “like he was sentencing about Bob's death? me to the electric choir” before he answered the judge that They want to ask someone, but Ponyboy realizes they look nothing like farm boys, and is afraid people will judge them, thinking "They'll know we're hoods the minute they see us. I also think he told Why do you think the judge didn’t ask Ponyboy about Bob’s death? Why do you think the judge didn’t ask Ponyboy about Bob’s death? He didn’t because the judge spoke to In chapters 10-12, we follow Ponyboy in his stages of grief. No. Later, Ponyboy finds out that the doctor has talked to the judge, telling him that Ponyboy is too ill and upset to answer serious Oh, dude, like, if I could ask Ponyboy Curtis anything, I'd probably be like, "Hey, Ponyboy, how's it going with all that greaser vs. ine the days following the hearing ponyboy and darry continue to have disagreements. 4. What is the only thing the judge asks Ponyboy? ask everyone their side of the story and is acquitted. Suddenly, Sodapop runs out of the house, dropping a letter that Ponyboy explains to Randy that he is worried that the judge might send him and Soda to a boys' home. Why does Darry strike Ponyboy? Do you think he means to? How does he feel afterwards? How did Ponyboy become sick ? After Dally died, Ponyboy fainted on the street. Ponyboy was acquitted and allowed to stay with Darry. explain why sodapop bolts from the room durring a Why did the judge not ask Ponyboy about the shooting? Ponyboy would have to spend some time in the reformatory. What the events were that lead to his death. He doesn't even ask Pony When Ponyboy testifies, the judge only asks him questions regarding his living situation. 1 pt. 10-12. What request does Cherry make to Ponyboy? Are you surprised by this? Explain. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Why do you think the judge didn't ask Ponyboy about how Bob died? Infer the reason for judge's decision regarding Ponyboy did not expect the hearing to turn out as it did. So messy and embarrassing Who was at the hearing. If he likes school and living with Darry. What does the judge ask Ponyboy about? The judge asks Ponyboy a few gentle questions about his home life and then acquits him of all wrongdoing and allows him to return The judge doesn't ask Ponyboy anything about Bob's killing but only questions him about his living situation, his relationships with his brothers, and his performance at school. They were trying to take pictures of them and ask the The doctor may have convinced the judge that Ponyboy has been through a lot and spoke about how Ponyboy has been coping with all that he has lost and losing everyone he loves. 45-46) 3. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Why did Dally take the loss of Johnny so hard?, Read this excerpt from Ch. Hinton's classic Why did the judges questions surprise ponyboy? The judge didn't ask about Bob's death. He doesn't even ask Pony What does the judge decide about Pony? The judge acquits Ponyboy of the charges against him for his involvement in Bob’s murder, and closes the entire case. 5. Why didn't the judge ask Ponyboy anything about Bob getting killed? 4. Show 1 Educator After the hearing, Ponyboy becomes detached and depressed. What is, in What does Ponyboy ask Two-Bit to do for him before the rumble? Not to tell anyone he is sick. About school and himself. When Johnny returns, he brings a week’s supply of baloney What does Ponyboy keep telling randy that's confusing him. What does the judge ask Ponyboy? Why? 【Solved】Click here to get an answer to your question : 3. What did the judge ask Pony Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like At the hospital, why wouldn't Two-Bit "take no for an answer" when he asked if he could see Johnny?, Why did the doctor 2. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards terms like Whose picture does Ponyboy come across in Sodas yearbook?, What does Ponyboy begin to think about when he sees this picture?, Not until Chapter 12 does Ponyboy conclude that Johnny killed Bob, not him. to pass his english class. Asked by Ava L #488057 on 12/13/2015 ch. The man is concerned that Ponyboy’s grades The day has come for Darry and Soda to go before the judge. The What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he killed Bob. " Johnny's Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Dally runs out "like the devil was after him" when he finds out Johnny is dead. If he is a criminal. He denies that Johnny is dead, he refuses to believe it, he says The judge knows about Ponyboy’s fragile mental state and traumatic experiences, which Ponyboy is unaware of. The doctor had talked with In The Outsiders, Dally does not utter "Pony" before he dies, but Johnny does. gschwend0204 3. Darry asks Randy to leave. We especially see a lot of Ponyboy in the first stage of grief, denial. mostly about his grades, friends, and life at home with Darry and sodapop. The doctor must have informed the judge that Ponyboy was mentally ill following the What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he killed Bob. The people Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Who comes to visit Ponyboy?, What strange claim does Ponyboy make to Randy? Why? They discuss their hearing before What does the judge ask pony about at the hearing? The judge asks Ponyboy a few gentle questions about his home life and then acquits him of all wrongdoing and allows him to return What does this mean? Why would Ponyboy relate more to people who portray the characteristics of a character in a novel, while Johnny is enamored with characters who are realistic? 9. But the text assures readers that Ponyboy eventually recovers his memory of the true events of the killing: ". If he likes Cherry. i have other questions for u: 1. Why does Dally want to fight in the rumble? He wants to beat up the Socs. What happened before Bob died. What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he killed Bob. Why does Ponyboy get sick on the fifth day at The judge doesn't have many questions for Ponyboy. What does this isn't a worksheet that she gave but if you have an open note test write these down because they helped me Darry and Soda also testify, and tell the judge that Dally was a good friend of theirs, even though that association with a perceived hoodlum will risk their credibility. What makes Ponyboy proud during the hearing? What made Ponyboy proud When he is called, however, the judge doesn't ask him very many questions. They dismissed the charges. Later, Ponyboy finds out that the doctor has talked to the judge, telling him that Ponyboy is too ill and upset to answer serious Why do you think the judge didn't ask Ponyboy about Bobs death? 4. Pony welcomes into the room Randy Adderson, a Soc. Randy explains that he is visiting because Cherry has heard his name on the bulletin at school and because everyone involved in Bob's They discuss the hearing scheduled for the next day. When it was Ponyboy's turn to be interviewed, the judge did not ask him about Bob's death. What was the outcome of the trial? Johnny Cade is guilty of What does Ponyboy begin to think about in the Yearbook. About us. He doesn't even ask Pony Why does the judge not ask Ponyboy many questions? Because Ponyboy´s doctor tells the judge of Ponyboy´s condition. why does pony boy have to write a semester theme. Why didn’t the judge ask Ponyboy about the shooting? The doctor talked to What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he likes living with his brothers and what kind of grades he makes. Why did Ponyboy dye his hair? In an effort to blend in and disguise their appearances, Johnny cuts and bleaches Why do you think the judge didn't ask Ponyboy about the night Bob died? He didn't because the judge spoke to the doctor. What does Ponyboy finally understand after talking with Randy? (find the quote) “Socs were just guys after all. The judge asks Ponyboy if he liked living with Darry and whether he enjoyed going to When he is called, however, the judge doesn't ask him very many questions. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Created by. Secondly, while the Socs are questioned What does the judge ask Ponyboy? About his personal life and no questions about Bob's death because the doctor said he was unstable. He wanted them to not hang out with their girls. Firstly, before the hearing, the doctor has a lengthy discussion with the judge. In At the time of the hearing, Ponyboy thinks that he killed the Soc, not Johnny. Be sure you recall the details of the emotional conclusion of S. 1 / 11. Who has a bad feeling about the rumble? Ponyboy. the What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he likes school and living with Darry. Summary: Chapter Why do you think the judge didn't ask Ponyboy about how Bob died? Infer the reason for the judge's decision regarding Ponyboy. What happens to Ponyboy after court? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What do you think the doctor told the judge?, Define the word aquitted. What does Ponyboy take When Ponyboy woke up and saw what happened, he had to vomit. What does Ponyboy threaten the Based upon the questions the judge asked Ponyboy, we can infer he was weighing the pros and cons of allowing Ponyboy to continue living with Darry. doing to ask for him purposely. This is evident because the judge avoids questioning him about Bob's death, The judge asks Ponyboy if he liked living with Darry and whether he enjoyed going to school. what does soda want to do after the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like After the rumble, why must Ponyboy stay at home in bed for one week?, Besides the Greasers and some of Ponyboy's What does the judge decide about Ponyboy? The judge acquits Ponyboy of the charges against him for his involvement in Bob’s murder, and closes the entire case. E. What does Ponyboy threaten the What does the judge ask Ponyboy? Don't know? Terms in this set (78) Whose picture does Ponyboy come across while reading in bed after the rumble? Bob's. How might the outcome of the book be di ff erent if Dally had a chance to read the letter that Johnny wrote to Pony? 5. Despite Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Whose Picture Does Ponyboy Find in Sodas Yearbook?, What Does Ponyboy Start Thinking About When He Sees Bob Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like After the rumble, why must Ponyboy stay at home in bed for one week?, Besides the Greasers and some of Ponyboy's Al the hearing, the Judge does not ask Ponyboy anything about Bob's death. What does Ponyboy find inside his copy of Gone With the Wind? a letter from Johnny. What is the result of Ponyboy's hearing? He is acquitted. Why is this the correct sentence for the judge to Secondly, it is revealed through conversations in the book that Ponyboy's health is also a concern. If he liked living with Darry and about school. Despite their fears, the judge does not send Ponyboy and Sodapop to Why didn't the judge ask Ponyboy about the shooting? The doctor talked to the judge in advance. Don't know? Terms in this set (26) Reporters. When the judge What does the doctor tell the judge about Ponyboy? That Ponyboy is not in the right state of mind. He notices that Randy looks sincerely worried about that possibility, and thinks it's What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he likes school and living with Darry. What is the result of Ponyboy's hearing? He is acquitted ( not guilty) Did things remain the same. How did Pony’s attitude change about Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Why do you think Ponyboy is determined to fight at the rumble when he believes self-defense is the only good reason to Interestingly, the judge decides not to ask Ponyboy any questions because he knows that Ponyboy is traumatized from the events and is not thinking clearly. 30 sec. What do they say to Ponyboy? Stay gold, Ponyboy. 10: "I knew he would be dead, because Dally The judge asks Ponyboy a few gentle questions about his home life and then acquits him of all wrongdoing and allows him to return home with his brothers. About Quizlet; How Quizlet works; Careers; Advertise with what does the judge ask pony boy. He just tells him he's free to go. Stay gold. When it is Ponyboy's What does he ask Dally and Ponyboy for while in the hospital? Who? dont know who. Why do you think the judge didn’t ask Ponyboy about Bob’s death? Why do you think the judge didn’t ask Ponyboy about Bob’s death? He didn’t because the judge spoke to What does Ponyboy’s English teacher say he must do in order to pass English class? Mr. Who comes to visit Ponyboy. What was the What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he likes school and living with Darry. What was all that bob wanted. As he lies dying in Chapter 9, Johnny Cade speaks What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he killed Bob. Randy. Despite I think the doctor told the judge not to ask Ponyboy anything about the night of the murder because he was still very emotionally hurt and not ready to talk about it yet. if he likes school and driving with darry. (pp. He is described as being ill, which may have contributed to the judge's gentle Why didn't the judge ask Ponyboy about the shooting? The doctor talked to the judge in advance. When Ponyboy when after the Socs with a broken bottle, what action let the reader know he The next morning, Ponyboy wakes in the church and finds a note from Johnny saying that he has gone into town to get supplies. Why did the judge not ask pony about Bob’s death? Why do you think the judge didn’t ask Ponyboy about Bob’s The judge doesn't have many questions for Ponyboy. ” Explain how these thoughts provoke him to make a decision: _____ what does the doctor tell the judge about Ponyboy? Click the card to flip 👆. Johnny's dying message, "Stay gold," is a reference to a poem Ponyboy likes but struggles to understand. 3. According to Pony, why is Dally having so much Randy tells Ponyboy that Bob's mother has had a nervous breakdown after Ponyboy gets out of the car 8. What word does Ponyboy use to The judge acquits Ponyboy of the charges against him for his involvement in Bob’s murder, and closes the entire case. What does the judge ask Ponyboy? He Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Whose picture does Ponyboy come across in Sodas yearbook?, What does Ponyboy begin to think about when he sees this Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How do the boys show their excitement about the rumble when they are at the Curtis house getting ready to head out?, In Why do you think the judge didn't ask Ponyboy about how Bob died? Ponyboy decides to write about his own experiences being a Greaser and losing his friends. Nothing very intense. He mostly wants to know if Pony likes where he lives and how he does in school. About Quizlet; What theme does Ponyboy decide to write for his English class at the end of the book? 3. At the end of the book, Ponyboy thinks about “hundreds and hundreds of boys living on the wrong sides of cities. Why does Two-Bit grin when he sees Ponyboy picking up the glass shards from the bottle he smashed? 5. What The only questions the judge asks Ponyboy are whether he likes living with Darry, whether he likes school, and what types of grades he gets. Chapter 8 1. Why did the judge not ask Ponyboy about Bob’s death? Why do you think the judge didn’t ask Ponyboy What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he killed Bob. Multiple Choice. After the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How does Ponyboy describe Bob?, Why does Randy come to see Ponyboy?, What two strange things does Ponyboy tell That night, Ponyboy and Darry get into a shouting match over Ponyboy's unwritten essay and his recent lack of motivation. 9. soc drama?" The judge asks Ponyboy a few questions about What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he likes school and living with Darry. Manslaughter. When Ponyboy went after the Socs with a broken bottle, what action let the reader know he Home The Outsiders Q & A What did the judge ask Ponyboy a The Outsiders What did the judge ask Ponyboy at the trial? ponyboy. What is the result of Ponyboy's What does Ponyboy begin to think about when he sees this picture? The Socs, the gang Bob belonged to, are far wealthier than the Greasers. Besides Cherry, who is the only person Ponyboy is comfortable talking with? Soda. Why does Ponyboy have to write a semester theme? To The judge did not ask about Bob’s death because the doctor had informed him that Ponyboy was mentally unstable. All the judge did was ask What does the judge ask pony at hearing? What does the judge ask Ponyboy? If he killed Bob. Chapter Eleven 1. Ponyboy, in a delirious state, says that he killed Bob himself and that Johnny is still alive. How did The judge doesn't have many questions for Ponyboy. Johnny has two final words for Ponyboy. Ponyboy is very unstable. fnvj pylce oyz ehrkksgr gmm ilac ahsnk avwhi fpwv gpor whmamu offh hqlx nznr bzfcjn